Happy New Year 2025

4 Jan 2025

As we welcome 2025, or in the Buddhist calendar, the year 2568 since the Buddha's Pari Nirvana, I offer you these words of reflection and blessing.

Time flows like a river, and with each passing moment, we have an opportunity to live mindfully. Consider that of our 365 days, we have already journeyed through the first day, leaving us with 364 precious days ahead. Some might wonder why we should count down our days – doesn't this create unnecessary pressure?

But mindfulness of time need not burden us. Just as a flowing stream doesn't struggle against its course, we too can embrace the natural progression of our days with serenity. This awareness isn't meant to create anxiety, but rather to awaken us to the preciousness of each moment we're given.

Meditation is our gateway to this peaceful awareness. Like a gentle rain that nourishes the earth, regular meditation practice cultivates inner calm and helps us face life's realities with equanimity. I invite you to join our twice-weekly My Story Live meditation sessions, where we can nurture this practice together in community.

As we step into this new year, may these blessings accompany you:

May each remaining day be filled with merit, like a garden blooming with virtuous deeds. May your heart attract positive energy, like a lotus rising pure from still waters. May your aspirations manifest naturally, like stars emerging in the evening sky. May the peace within you remain constant, like the depths of a mountain lake. May your meditation bring tranquility, effortless as breathing, wherever your path may lead.

With metta and warm wishes for a peaceful New Year.