Journey #82 – Ireland

15 Nov 2018

Cork Simon

I was invited to offer a mindfulness and meditation session workers and volunteers of Cork Simon, which is an organization who provide emergency shelters for homeless people in Cork, Ireland under the topic ‘work-life balance’ and ‘stress management’. I explained the importance of meditation practice that will help practitioners to separate between ‘problems’ and ‘suffering’ and develop understanding and willpower to solve individual problems and problems of others while maintaining positive attitude and personal happiness that arises from inner peace within. There were 15 people joining and they felt relaxed, peaceful and content during the meditation. Some felt very light as if they were not there and 3-4 of them felt the sun shinning from inside. They are interested in trying mindfulness and meditation practice in their daily life as well.

The second session was organized at which is a famous online project management software based in Cork, Ireland to their programmers, graphic designers and management team. Although many have never tried meditation before, they could meditate for 35-40 minutes without interruption. Many felt stillness and calmness as if time went by very rapidly and stress that they had from work was totally gone. About 5-6 of them could visualize the sun clear and bright at the center of the body. Many of them showed their interest in trying meditation on a daily basis and they wanted to invite a monk for more mindfulness and meditation sessions.

University College Cork (UCC)

I visited University College Cork (UCC) in Cork, Republic of Ireland and facilitate a meditation session for students and citizens of Cork in the total number of 121. Participants were relaxed and felt happy during the meditation practice. During the visualization technique almost 40% could follow and visualize the bright shining sun. About 30-40% felt as if they were falling into the stillness. Some felt afraid but others were excited that this experience will add more peace and happiness to the mind. I also share that a spiritual life is a life of a person that learns to understand his oneself and can change oneself for the better. This clear mind is achievable by meditation practice which will lead to endless willpower to remove our bad habits.

LifeStyle Studios Cross Fit Gym & Dervish Holistic Shop and Bookstore

I went to facilitate two mindfulness and meditation sessions at LifeStyle Studios Cross Fit Gym and Dervish Holistic Shop and Bookstore in Cork, Ireland. There were several people who came from the previous sessions and meditated together as well. In the LifeStyle Gym all felt very relaxed as there was no time and space. Some mentioned that while the mind was free from worries, the feeling was so peaceful. In the Dervish bookstore, I guided meditation for 50 minutes. Many felt so relaxed as their meditation was bright and they felt they were falling into the stillness without fear.

Jesuit Community in Dublin

I went to guide a meditation session at the Jesuit Community in Dublin, Ireland on 15 November 2018. The Jesuit Community of Dublin was very generous. They offer support in arranging accommodation, transportation and opportunities for future cooperation around mindfulness and meditation sessions as well. Participants felt that it was easy to meditate and kept their mind at the centre of the body. They were impressed by the fact that the meditation time was much shorter than what they thought. Many felt that keeping the sun at the centre of the body made them felt very light. While spreading loving kindness, they felt that the energy was shared to every citizen of Dublin. Some mentioned that this could be the best meditation experience ever.

Barefoot Yoga Studio in Dublin

I facilitated a meditation session at Barefoot Yoga Studio in Dublin, Ireland on November 15, 2018. Participants are mainly members of the studio. Most of them practice yoga and meditation regularly. However, many were impressed by the sense of inner peace from the session. They felt the meditation time was very short. A lady said that normally she meditated with an app and could do only for 10 minutes maximum. However, she could do it today 35 minutes with ease. At some point she felt peaceful energy and radiation of it within her like never before. She now gains more confidence for her future meditation practice.